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Lieutenant Dan's Blog
Jobless (But Not Hopeless!) Blog 
Posted on December 23, 2013 at 07:19 PM.
Dear Reader,

My job of ten years came to an end on December 13, 2013. I worked for a very small company of five people, but business dropped off dramatically over the past year and my layoff (along with my friend, Kevin) was necessary to keep the company going. My boss had a really tough time with it....we were a very tight little family who knew each other's kids and lives quite well.

The writing had been on the wall for months, yet we all kept hoping for the turnaround in business that never came. In late October, a rare company meeting was called where we discussed all of this and our bosses suggested we start the process of looking for new work, as we likely could not continue like this much past the New Year. Then, in late November, our boss talked to us individually about business still slowing and that our departure dates would need to be hastened to mid-December.

My boss is amazing and gave us nice severance package and is keeping me insured on her dime through January, and after that I can pay her for an extension or get my own insurance, or Medicaid.

Oh, it bears mentioning in this blog that my wife is also currently unemployed and has been since June 2013. She works in the IT/software development/networking fields. So we are going through this together. She was turned down for unemployment.

I haven't found myself in the jobless way since summer of 2003, when I voluntarily left Seattle to move to Memphis to be with my new wife and her four kids. When I first arrived, I was actually content to just adjust to my new surroundings and 'decompress' from all the stress I had been under before I moved here. I got some temporary work in late October through February, then landed the job I was just released from in March 2004.

I have had a tremendous amount of stress in my life for the past few years, regarding my wife's condition, our children, my wife's unemployment, money, you know, the usual stuff When the news came about my job ending, it was pretty rough. Not quite a 'final straw' or anything, but I felt like I was losing my roots that had been keeping me anchored throughout everything else.

This brought on some really tough days and nights over the past month...even some occasions where life didn't seem worth it anymore because there was too much piling on going on. It never went too far, but those thoughts were there...and a lot of fear and anxiety. I will concede that if not for my existing prescription to xanax, I might not have made it (a note: I only take it as needed, not daily. In fact, I haven't taken one since I was let go!).

How am I coping? Honestly, my last day at work was VERY hard. It was heartbreaking to pack out my stuff from my desk, say goodbye to everyone in tears and leave my home-away-from-home for the past decade. That place helped to keep me sane through very difficult times, as well as being a place to do a fun job every day, pay my bills, commiserate with my boss and her problems, etc.

What was interesting to me was the NEXT day.

I was surprised to wake up and find my lingering malady, really. I determined that I need to turn the empty upstairs bedroom I had been using as my music studio (not much need for that since in the previous months I sold off almost all of my gear to help us along) into a home office for me. I know myself, and I need a place to go each day to focus on my job hunt and maintain a routine, Monday through Friday.

I got a desk set up in there that I took from another room....a nice sized flattop area for my big ol' arms. My old personal PC needed to be updated though; I got it back in 2003 so it was a bit behind the times and unreliable. I had previously been using my work PC for everything at the office. Off to Best Buy I went and picked up a new desktop PC (I know, I'm so old-fashioned. I'm not keen on tablets or laptops, especially if I am going to be sitting at a desk anyway). Got out of there with a nice PC, MS Office (gotta have that), and a wireless printer that was on sale for $500.

Once home, I set everything up on my desk, along with my old PC speakers that I love, my wife donated one of her Acer 20" monitors, and set up my space with my personal odds and ends to make it feel comfortable and yes, a bit like my desk arrangement from work Of course, I wound up spending a lot of time Saturday trying to get iTunes up to speed with no luck importing my library from my external HDD, so said screw it. I downloaded my stuff from the cloud that I had bought previously and re-started copying in my cd library. Oh well, it gives me something to work on, so it actually works out fine. I'm on the 'N's as I write this, in fact. NIN: The Downward Spiral writing to iTunes as we speak....

Fast forward to Monday, and so begins one of the BUSIEST weeks I've had in some time...who would have thought? Tons of errands mixed in with my A to Z style of job-hunting on the major career/job sites. Errands included things like getting a haircut, my wife's car oil change, laundry, dr appt, etc.

What is important to me is having a routine to work by and keep my spirits up. So I am setting time aside M-F for exercise. I go to the gym (usually mornings) M, W, and F and on Tues and Thurs I go for walks in the park, about two miles. If the weather sucks, I'll go to the gym and treadmill the same. In so doing this, it also ensures that I get out of the house every day, and I am feeling better in every way. Sharpens up the mind for interviews, too, and helps with my confidence.

iTunes update: Nirvana: Bleach.

Each day, I make a checklist on my notepad of things I want to get done and check them off as I go to feel some accomplishment. For example, today's checklist:

--Unemployment certification
--iTunes project
--Return phone call to recruiter/headhunter
--Work out
--Applied at xxxx job

Another thing I do to help my state of mind is to set my alarm in the morning (though I let it go till 7:50am) so I still get up at a fixed time, shower, shave twice a week, and I get dressed, shoes and all, before I go upstairs. My wife and kids think it's weird, but it really helps me to feel like I'm 'working' when I'm dressed for it. Just polos and khakis, but I can't job search or conduct phone interviews in my house pants and a t-shirt with three-day stubble, you know?

Of course, the first thing I did the Monday after my release was go online and apply for unemployment. It's the government; they aren't quick. Start the process immediately! I received my confirmation in the mail that my payments start on January 7th, so assuming it goes through fine that will be quite helpful to us. My boss said she got the paperwork from the agency today and will return it asap to smooth the process. I have to keep a log each week of at least three jobs I have applied for. They may or may not request these logs be sent in, so be smart and do it. I had to do this same procedure (albeit manually and through the mail) back in Washington too when I was jobless for a few months.

iTunes note: don't you HATE when there isn't album artwork on file for one of your cds and you have to go get it off the web?

Well, my final thought for today's entry is this for you unemployed dudes that might be reading: keep yourself busy and looking good, and try to stay on a schedule during the week. Take a lunch break, count your exercise period into your workday as a crucial part of it. Get out of the house each day. Hell, even give yourself a day off if you deserve it .

This week, my schedule is weird w/Christmas, but I won't be 'working' tomorrow or Weds (Christmas). Probably back to it on Thursday though, and I am taking my happy *** to the gym on Christmas Day (ATC Fitness, open 24/7).

Best of luck to all of you, indeed, all of US!

Merry Christmas everyone, if I don't sign back in before then
# 1 degroiler @ Dec 24
Keep after it man! Good things will happen for you. If more people in this country would have the same work ethic and determination you do we'd all be better off. Keep the faith, something will happen for you soon with a story like this.
# 2 Lieutenant Dan @ Dec 24
Wow..thanks for taking the time to read all of that! I really appreciate your response, thank you. That really helps!
# 3 sgould1 @ Dec 24
Tough to read this, definitely hits close to home for a lot of us. Things have a way of working out -- Hang in there man, something will turn up eventually!
# 4 Lieutenant Dan @ Dec 24
Thanks sgould. I am writing this to help myself along, but also hope maybe it will in some way help others here who are career-challenged.
# 5 Raw Energy @ Dec 24
yeah agree with sgould1 unfortunate experience many people are dealing with. Have you thought about opening up your own business that looks like the best way since most job opportunities are shrinking. just a suggestion.
# 6 tril @ Dec 25
I feel your pain. Ive been through 2 lay offs.
This is also a good time to take a risk and explore starting your own business. that's if you had any thoughts of doing this in the past. Or go back to school.
Enjoy collecting your unemployment, and believe it or not, the time off. stay positive.
Stay positive, stay active, be frugal. the adjustment is easier than you'll think.
yes pick up a part time job that wont affect the amount of unemployment you collect.
Good Luck.
# 7 DJ @ Dec 25
Good luck, Dan!

I was in this same spot 4 years ago, so I can sympathize. It took me 9 months just to land a part-time job. That was definitely a blow to the ego. I stuck with the process and eventually went back to school. That was the best decision I made during that time as I eventually found my way into the career I had always wanted.

You seem to have a great mental approach and that will go a long way. Can't believe your wife was denied unemployment ... was that by the government or her former employer?

Hang in there! Enjoy the holidays and hit the job search strong come 2014.
# 8 Lieutenant Dan @ Dec 25
Thanks so much, guys. I have no earthly idea what kind of business I could open, lol. I'm smart but I don't have the disposition to run a business anyway, but it's a good suggestion.

Hey DJ, thanks man. I've been thinking about school for years but have no idea what I'd study even if you put me in there for free, so I guess that's not a practical move until I could sort that out. I do have a two-year degree though from times past.

My wife was denied by her employer, as it was a contract job via a workforce agency. The assignment ended but she does computer work and they offered her work afterwards doing warehousing and she declined that, so no benefits for 'turning down work'.

Enjoying Christmas day anyway. You guys have a good one!
# 9 StubbyStan @ Dec 25
Thanks Dan! Reading your story was very cathartic for me. I'm an IT guy that's been out of work since June, much like your wife. Luckily enough for me, I did get Unemployment but my assumption is that it will be ending soon. Please keep the faith & your schedule. It's so very easy to fall out of the routine & much harder to get back into to it. Reading your entry, however, has really reinvigorated me. Merry Christmas!
# 10 Lieutenant Dan @ Dec 26
Best wishes to you, Stan. Thank you for the kind words and encouragement
# 11 nolan273 @ Dec 27
I know the feeling, Dan. I went through the same type of situation a few years back. The company I worked for (and have since returned to) faced some financial difficulties and half of our staff of eight got axed. I was out of work for nearly a year, but I kept myself on a routine. It helped me keep my sanity. At times it was tough, but we made it. I'm sure you will, too. Just keep plugging away and keep your head up. Good luck!!
# 12 bigdoc85 @ Dec 27

Thanks for writing this -- my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Just remember, your current situation is just part of the overall journey of life. Keep positive and taking action (which you are doing) and good things will happen. Do you listen to any type of motivational stuff -- I always find Anthony Robbins, Zig Ziglar and people like that help keep my spirits up, increase my creativity and motivation, and help me be more open to new opportunities. In fact, one of my goals for this year is to listen to more motivational tapes. Also, have you checked out Success magazine? It's fantastic and has lots of tips and comes with a CD in each issue which has interviews with successful people. Best wishes to you!
# 13 Lieutenant Dan @ Dec 28
Thank you Nolan and bigdoc, appreciate ya, guys!
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